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Sustainable Energy



Green Heat Network Fund (GHNF) - Asteros was appointed as part of the Triple Point Delivery Partner consortium to provide application suport and assessment services to GHNF, which is the successor grant funding scheme to HNIP.  GHNF is currently open to applications


Heat Networks Investment Programme (HNIP) - Asteros was a key member of the Triple Point Heat Networks Delivery Partner providing application support to HNIP applicants and assessing HNIP applications on behalf of BEIS.  We supported the programme over its 3 year life and HNIP is now closed for applications


City Decarbonisation Delivery Project - Stages 2 & 3 - leading the financial input to develop business cases based on  measures to decarbonise six major UK cities, and then subsequently to develop delivery plans for each of the cities to allow them to implement the Governmment's new heat zoning policy


OPDC Heat Network - Asteros has been appoinged by the Old Park & Park Royal Development Corporation to deliver business cases (SOC, OBC and FBC) for their heat network project that is seeking to supply new housing, commercial and industrial developments with waste heat from a number of new data centres within the OPDC development area


Huddersfiled Heat Network - Preparation of the OBC and subsequent commercialisation support for Huddersfield's heat newtork project that proposes to use waste heat from the city Energy from Waste facility to supply heat to local housing, public sector buildings and commercial properties


Goole Heat Network - Preparation of the OBC and subsequent support for the development of a heat network in Goole that usttilises waste heat from a glass manufacturer to supply heat to a number of nearby properties

Beverley City Centre District Heating Project - preparation of OBC and commercialisation support (with Aecom)


Bridgend District Heating Project -  preparation of OBC and commercialisation support (with Aecom)


Maidstone District Heating Project - HNIP application, business case and commercialisation support (with Aecom)


Vattenfall - Heat Network project support in relation to funding bid


Thames Marine Services Ltd - advice and financial modelling in relation to developing a new refuelling pier on the Thames


Murphy Utility Assets - Heat Network development appraisals


Seaham Garden Village Minewater Heat Network – preparation of financial model, advice on funding options and state aid





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