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Asteros Advisers
End of 2024 Wrap Up
As the year wound down, we were proud to reflect on our contributions to delivering clean energy and heat network projects, and enhancing...

Asteros Advisers
Asteros Advisers in 2024 so far...
We have had a successful first 8 months of 2024, celebrating our five-year anniversary in April, countless Team GB medals at the Paris...

Asteros Advisers
Asteros Advisers
Has your PFI provider asked for consent to switch to SONIA? If you have PFI contracts and you're unsure of the risks and impact of this change...

Asteros Advisers
Asteros Advisers awarded place on ESPO Framework 664_21 Consultancy Services
Asteros Advisers Ltd has been awarded a place on the ESPO Framework 664_21 Consultancy Services, under Lot 2d to supply general finance...

Asteros Advisers
Asteros Advisers awarded place on the Crown Commercial Services Corporate Finance Services 2
Asteros Advisers Ltd has been awarded a place on the Crown Commercial Services Corporate Finance Services 2 Framework, under Lot 6 to...

Asteros Advisers
Asteros Advisers formally appointed to HNIP Delivery Partner
Asteros Advisers is delighted that Triple Point Heat Networks have formally announced us as part of the #HNIP Delivery Partner...

Asteros Advisers
Building Better Business Cases
Asteros Advisers are delighted that Simon Carman, Keven West and Tom Roberts have all passed the Building Better Business Case Foundation...

Asteros Advisers
Welcome to our new office
We're delighted to be in our new office at 201 Borough High Street, London, SE1 1JA. If you're in the area feel free to drop in meet the...

Asteros Advisers
Heat Network Projects Receive HNIP Funding Support
HNIP has awarded the first £40 million! Over £30 million of the £320 million Heat Network Investment fund has been awarded to local...

Asteros Advisers
Our First 6 months
We have had an exciting and successful first six months since we established in April 2019. We are delighted to have retained all of our...

Asteros Advisers
Crowdfunding for the Public Sector
Simon Carman and Keven West, are delighted to have been involved in a research project concerned with assessing the suitability of using...

Asteros Advisers
Asteros in the news!
A number of specialist infrastructure journals have picked up on the exciting news that Asteros formally commences trading on the 15th...

Asteros Advisers
Strategic Estates Partnerships in the NHS: Why not?
Over recent times there has been a growing awareness of, and interest in, Strategic Estates Partnership (SEP) Joint Ventures amongst NHS...
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